Monday, July 13, 2009

On 13 of July three years ago

I had my baby girl.
She makes me smile, whenever I look at her. "A princess?" "No, Mommy, I am a cat"
I love having girly talks with her, drinking tea together and reading the same book over and over again. We can spend hours together drawing, and I so love sitting next to her and sharing brushes with her. She has a wonderful eye for detail and color, and I am endlessly impressed when she makes miracles happen on paper. She is only 3, but I believe she has lots of talent in her and I wish I can bring her up so that that talent grows and blossoms. Happy Birthday my dear girl!
this is her masterpiece


nomadcraftsetc said...

Oh, How sweet! There is nothing that can ever compare to the love of a mom and her child! Enjoy every minute of it, they grow up SOOOOOOOO fast!

Shelley Noble said...

How beautiful and talented she is! Happy Birthday to the little sweet princess and/or cat.

Her art is truly wonderful.


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