Monday, April 26, 2010

Movie Monday 71

This little girl looks and acts so much like my Anna! And she loves this animation as well.
The story is about how the fox tricked a little girl into opening the door and then took her to the forest and tried to eat her. But the girl was much too talkative and loud to be eaten:)


rossichka said...

Фильм очень понравился! Лиса такая же нетрадиционная...:))

Vira said...

Po tvoej podskazke ja zadownloadila etot mul'tik v moj iPod i teper' Sofijka smotrit ego 15 raz v den'! :)) Do etogo nikakie mul'tiki ejo voobsche ne interesovali :)

Vita said...

LOL Vira, Ya rada chto Slfijke ponravilos':)))) my ego tozhe obozhaem

Vira said...

Video segodnjashnego dnja u Sofii - Francuzkaja kolybel'naja -

Nadejus' link srabotaet. Pora uchit' francuzskij :))


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