I'll try to translate.
So old man catches talking fish and sets it free, and now he has no food. He sits on a rock and sighs "e-eh". And Acid Monster named "E-eh" appears. It gives him a magic table - when you knock three times on it - food appears. But there is a catch - monster will come at midnight to ask questions till sunrise, and it will kill them if they cannot answer.
Before midnight young man knocks on the door asking for a shelter, old couple tells about monster but he still ends up staying there. At midnight acid monster knocks on the door. Couple asked "who's there"
Monster answered:
- Its me, generous E-eh, I'm here
Young fellow comes out and says:
- And I'm here too.
- Who are you? Where you came from?
- From the other shore of a sea
- How did you get here?
- I Saddled up crippled flea and came.
- So the sea must be some kind of a puddle?
- Maybe a puddle, but eagle couldn't fly over that puddle
- So the eagle must be a nestling?
- Maybe a nestling, but shadow from his wings covers the city and the night comes.
- So the city is tiny?
- Hare couldn't cross that city.
- So hare must be so tiny?
- Hare like hare, coat came out from his skin.
- Where came...?
- Came out from that city,, where hare run, on which shadow from an eagle fell,, and went before its nose.
- Whose nose?
- Coat's nose, which came out from a hare's skin in the city where night comes when nestling flies over the city on a crippled flea.
- what, what... On the crippled flea from that shore of a sea, which HARE couldn't fly over and an EAGLE couldn't cross, though sea is not a sea but a puddle in the middle of a town, where shadow from a flea fell on a hare and killed him to death, and coat came out from hare's skin and went before its nose. and then hare JUMPS