Photos above: chess and guitars are the usual attributes of our camping trips, climbing trees with a friend (Andrei), Anna is posing with a new ribbon, and last but not least I am playing badminton and looking surpsingly slim (thank you Andrei for the blurry photo:))) )
I have not wrote anything personal in a while, and that is because I was going through a major "I-can't-decide-what-to-do" phase. Making decisions about someone else's lives is the most difficult thing to do, even if they are your very own children.
I have committed to another homeschooling year with Andrei. Anna stays with us of course.
Trying to decide if I can /want/will home school this year, was very very very difficult for me. Having been brought up in a very "schooled" environment I am still battling with the stereotypes of strangeness of not attending school. I have met lots of wonderful families who home school,and are very comfortable with their life style and confident in their decision. I wish I will get to be that way at some point. We even attended school for one day in the beginning of the year (I could hardly sleep the night before). That turned out to be a very refreshing experience. After spending the day with Andrei the teacher told me that he has nothing to do in first grade, and he should be tested on weather he needs to be in second grade or possibly higher. No way. He is 5 years old. Some day --may be, but not now. So now I have an official excuse why I home school him. I do not think he is ready to be among 7 and 8 year old kids.
Also we have been camping last weekend. The last outing for the season, and it was wonderful as usual. I will post some photos of that, since that was the last time I really photographed anything. But I promise to get better with my blogging, and will even try to systematize it. May be something like Inspiration Tuesday, Family Wednesday etc...Not sure if it is a good idea or not, but I need something to motivate me to keep going. The business so far had slowed down to a scarily slow speed, and I need to do something about it.