Just a quick peek to wish you all who celebrate Christmas on the 25 --Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
In our household we have another celebration today--Andrei has turned 7. According to our faith he has passed from being an "infant" to being a "youth". A very important development in his life, since now he is considered old enough to answer for his own deeds. He is very proud to be a "youth" :) As a gift he received a much wanted Swiss Army Knife with a bunch of instructions of "what to do" and "what NOT to ever ever ever do" with it:) So far all the pencils in the house have been sharpened and that is good.
2010 has been a difficult year for us and I am glad it is almost over. I wanted to thank all of you for visiting my blog, supporting my Etsy shop and most importantly inspiring me and keeping me motivated to make more Art. Thank you! And I wish you all a blessed, peaceful, happy year!