Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Digging in the Closet

I found an old folder with some works, that I did back in 2001-2002. They look like someone else painted them, but they are mine. From the earthy-elvish-fantasy period that I went through. I put a couple of them on Etsy, and hope that they find a good home with someone who will enjoy these little windows to my parallel world.


nomadcraftsetc said...

These are really neat! What a great find! I bet they surprised you!

Baba Yaga said...

Ich liebe deine Bilder die sind so schön traurig und verträumt !

Jess said...

I think these are absolutely lovely and I can see your style there even that long ago :)x

DESIRÉE said...

it´s so beautiful....

rossichka said...

I love so much these sort of painting! Do I reach your or do you reach my imagination? The theme of the parallel worlds is so interesting...

krisztina maros said...

so beautiful autumnal mood!

Vita said...

thank you my dears!!!!


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