Sunday, August 28, 2011

Custom Lullaby Book finished!

My biggest project of the past year I must say. Very happy that I got it done despite the fatigue and total lack of creative juices. It is good to have a back up "creativity battery" somewhere deeper than I even know existed.
As for the rest of the life, I am going on 24 weeks , expecting a very active baby(judging by his behavior in the womb) before the year is over. Feeling big and clumsy and unenergetic, but still very happy that this little one did not leave me. A few glimpses from the lullabies that I have been working on.


rachel awes said...

this looks heart melty.
swoon. LOVE.
singing sweet elephant
songs to your being.

rossichka said...

Congratulations, dear Vita!!xx Both for the baby and the lullaby book! Your creative energy is focused to the most important direction at the moment, so if the inspiration for drawing doesn't come much often, it's only natural...
I'm with you in my thoughts with love!
I feel very glad seeing a piece of your beautiful project and I'm sure the book is a little treasure!!

Jess said...

It's lovely to hear you're well Vita! I look forward to your book very much. :)xx

Natalya Khorover Aikens said...



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