Tuesday, August 19, 2008

a very slow and awkward start

I am sure it will take time for me to feel at home here...and the first posts are going to be very silly, and I will have a good laugh afterwards, but here I go:) willing to make these mistakes, and to learn how the blogging world works.

I will start with an image, that I worked on today this is the old old watercolor that I redid and gave it a breath of life:)

I was contemplating strting a blog for a long long time, but something was always in the way--the kids, dinner, I needed to finish a project, I needed to make a website, I needed to eat, sleep..my excuses are over and I will be here often, posting my latest work, and rambling about Art.

1 comment:

Rima Staines said...

OH! You've started a blog Vita!
How very exciting :) I look forward to seeing it grow... and I am sure you'll find it great fun indeed :)
Bravo and welcome :)
xx Rima
PS - am adding you to my links of course!


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