Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sone New Pendant designs

Sunny days are finally here and I spend some time photographing and listing some new pendant designs. Photography is not my strongest point, so I usually struggle a lot. It takes me 4,5,6 tries to get what I think is a decent photo to post. Please don't judge too harshly, the pendants look a lot better in person. They really do.


Melissa (Melgurl) said...

How pretty! I really love the mermaid girl she is so beautiful.

rossichka said...

Nice pendants! I enlarged the pictures to see the details. I love all your mermaids!

Vita said...

Thank you:) I finally posted these, even though they were on my "to do" list for weeks:))))

kramam said...

Dear Vita,
Bij pushing the 'next blog button' I stumbled upon your beautiful drawings. They are inspiring! I read somewhere that you would like to illustrate a book? I hope that one day you will!

Dear Fireflies said...

Hello Vita :)

I must say, these images are incredibly beautiful...they have such charms and to use them in pendants? Brilliant! :)


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