Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Done with all the custom work!

Finally finished today the two last custom pieces that I had lined up. Now I will take a break from them, and try to do something for myself. It is funny how the image that I first painted about 2 years ago keeps being very popular and I repainted it several times. I can play the game find the differences between these two. Can you guess which one is the older version and which one I finished today?


Robin Pedrero said...

I guess the left one is new?

I luv them both!

Jess said...

I think the one on the left might be newer because it's got less detail and the boy doesn't have to stretch so far and everything looks more at ease and happier.x

rossichka said...

I suppose, as well as the others, that the new one is the left. Not only because of the brighter colours. I think your idea has a little bit changed. The Earth is not important any more, what is happening is hapenning in the Sky... The horses have more details... I love especially the horse, coming from above.
But I like both of the pictures!:-)

Bella Sinclair said...

Oooh, both are incredibly lovely. But my first guess was the left one also. Something about the swirly balloon....

Danielle Barlow said...

He he, I'd like one of those paintings too, with our own ponies flying around my kids and their violins!
Gonna have to wait until I sell some serious work though ;)


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