Sunday, November 2, 2008

Little things count, or counting the little things

Those of you who are married, especially for many years know that make us happiest and irritate us the most are the little things that happen...
Several weeks ago we had dinner with some good friends of ours and the parents of one of them came along. As I was watching that couple who have been together for almost 40 years, since high school I believe, I realized that there is such an unspeakable warmth between them!
No traces of irritation, aggravation or those small sharp words that could have added up over the years. A little smile here and there, a small pat on the shoulder, a quick caring question. That's what I want to have 35 years from now.
Little things, little paintings, little surprises, little miracles.
You know what was one of the best gifts, I received from my husband during the past 7 years we were together? Several magnets for the refrigerator. Yes, I have gotten many beautiful things from him, but this one stands out. Why? Because it was a surprise, because they were beautiful, and because they made me feel very special on that day, I felt like the woman in the cave receiving the skin of a tiger :)
I used to be very upset that I cannot paint a HUGE painting, like in the old days. An oil giant,t hat would take up half the wall...I am past this feeling, and to tell you the truth, I love painting ACEOs (tiny watercolors, that take up not too much time, but end up looking like a finished creation). They are my main artistic endeavor at this point in life. Just because I have tiny bits of time to work, I have tiny moment of inspiration, I make tiny little colorful bits that travel all over the world.
Here are a couple of my latest minis.


ChezChani said...

I just love your work, the colours and the whimsy. Don't know what ACEO stands for but I do love a mini!

Vita said...

thank you chezchani:) ACEO stands for Artist card editions and originals, it has a standard size of 2.5x3.5 "

Homemade Zen said...

beautiful story, and lovely work!

Unknown said...

This is so true! Little things become more and more important further in life.

Yulechka said...

I think it does not have to do with people's has to do with certain amount of life wisdom, one - or two - acquire - when they spend a lot of time together. Many "rough edges" get polished, many compromises are already made, many storms weathered together - or against each other....I think it is more of a "still after tempest" rather than genuine ideally perfect relationship....

but then I am just theoretizing. =)

Christina Silverio said...

What a wonderful story! It made me smile, and hope my husband and I find that wonderful balance as well.
The tiger aceo is wonderful! Your art cards really are wonderful little masterpieces. :)


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